Why am I going [to Ethiopia]? Because I feel "compelled" to go. What will happen when we get there? I don't know. I call this progressive revelation - meaning that often God does not give the whole plan, just the next step. Nine years ago when God called me to China, most of the counsel I received at that time was negative- I should not go, I was being irresponsible, it would all end in disaster. After all, I didn't speak the language, had never been to Bible school, had no background in Chinese, and had no support in place whatsoever. Yet when I went to the Lord in my quiet time, this is what I heard: "If any man would come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." (Matt. 16:24-25) In the nine years since, as best we can tell, nearly 1000 lives have been rescued, most of them vulnerable children. Once again I seem to be at a crossroads where a lot of the counsel I am receiving would tell me to wait - that Harmony lacks the resources to start a new work in another country. But I can't help but remember how I had only $5,000 when God called me to start Harmony House. It should have been wholly inadequate, but in just a few years our orphans have been adopted by families all over the world. The truth is that I have never had the resources to do anything God has called to me to do. Following God by faith has always required that I step into the desert trusting that He will supply manna from heaven to meet our needs as we go. I don't want to wait any longer. If we rescued 1000 children in nine years in China, what will happen in Ethiopia?"
What a great statement about walking in faith! Sara and I find ourselves in similar circumstances. We are stepping out in faith and letting God provide! Our hearts are being pulled so strongly that we have to choice but to move forward. Please join us in praying for our son Isaac and for Harmony Outreach. And if you feel "compelled" as Paul did to help with our journey please click on the map above or email us to find out how you can give. Thanks and may God receive the glory!