Callie is coming home!

Callie is coming home!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow and Gratitude!

     Well as the song says - "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!" We actually had some snow flurries here in Georgia today. Pretty cool for us southerners. We are headed to both KY and OH for Christmas this year. We are excited to be able to see family!
     Thanks so much to those who have given so far towards our adoption! We have received 36% of the funds it will require to adopt our 2 new kids! You all have been so generous towards God's rescue plan. It has been especially neat to hear your letters about how God has prompted and prepared your hearts to give.
All our paperwork is in Ethiopia. Please continue to pray for us and especially our 2 waiting children.
      I can't let today pass without mentioning our excitement and congratulations to our friends Chris and Tanya on their recent adoption. They just returned from China on Friday night with Ian, their 5th child from China. You can read some remarkable stories from their trip at

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