Callie is coming home!

Callie is coming home!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prayer & Fasting Tomorrow (Friday) - Can You Join Us?

We just got word that there have been some changes that could significantly slow down the adoption process for some families. Please pray with us tomorrow (and fast with us too if the Lord leads) as we petition God to intervene in the hearts and minds involved so that Sara and I and so many others can bring home the children who are waiting for their forever families. Please post if you are praying! Thanks so much!


  1. We will gladly stan with you in prayer!

    The Worlows

  2. I haven't checked blogs in a few days, so I just saw this, but know Our Father will hear prayer from His children even if this child is a few days late. Praying with you for Him to intervene so that your little ones and many others can come home.
